Saturday, March 21, 2015

This is a first. A first in, say, nine or ten years, to actually "blog". I'm not talking about the daily scoop of what happened down at "C lunch" back in middle school, I'm talking about trying to find a lifestyle balance of my so-called life and my fantasy of my so-called life.

So, how exactly does this work? I'm not too sure, either. I suppose I will use this blog as an outlet for my thoughts, my thots, and my current obsession of being a wannabe health freak/gym-junkie (I promise there will be NO progress selfies, they're tacky) AND MAKE-UP! For the low-down, I'm freakin' 25. I'm a mid-twenty something year old that has something going in my life, however, I'm not quite there yet. After I graduated from The University of Texas at Austin, I found myself in a rut. A rut of nothingness, and I had no one to blame but myself. So what happened between 2012 and now? A lot. I would say that now is an appropriate time to finally express my journey of a millennial growing into a real hardworking, independent "adult".

As I'm sitting, trying to study for my ASCP mock exam, I'm thinking of why it took me so long for self-discovery. I counted every flaw I had and compared myself to everyone around me. This is NOT HEALTHY! Graduating from such a prestigious school and then finally telling people you don't have a job, nor do you know what you want to do with your life is: 1. embarrassing 2. sad 3. disappointing. I had a good six months of funemployment after I moved back home with my parents, then my boyfriend moved. My boyfriend of seven years received an offer to work in the Middle of Nowhere, Kansas City, Missouri (sorry to offend any proud Midwesterners out there). He lasted there for a good nine months, came back home to Houston for six weeks, then off to sunny California for another nine months. This was time where I actually found myself. This self-discovery actually made me so happy and everything finally came into place. Because of a long distance relationship, I came to a realization that being broke, and unemployed SUCKED, yet I was so fortunate to travel (thanks to those miles from my boyfriend) and still have great friends to love and cherish me despite my lifeless situation.

Okay, my life wasn't terrible, but, again, I counted my flaws. All my friends were having careers, supporting themselves, and traveling the world! I'm not stupid, I know that, I can articulate pretty well if I'm having a conversation with a professor or whatever, but why was I not happy with a career and everyone around me was? How was the stupid girl in high school supporting herself already? How was I getting surpassed?!? How was I unemployed, yet still able to visit California every month? Not everyone's journey to "success" is easy, and it took a lot of convincing and tears to come to terms with that. I was being truly ungrateful for many things and did not fully understand the word "#blessed". I took the roof over my head, and my queen bed for granted. My journey was, and still is my story, and I'm not done with it yet. As this is a poorly written, surface level introduction, I leave you with my flaws- how my flaws finally changed into something positive.

See you soon for a continuation!
(Running through the 6 with my woes >> a happier time back in college. Literally on 6th st.)

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